
Saturday 23 February 2013

Ogun Virginity test: School principal sane, says medical report

Medical test conducted to determine the mental state of Rev. Olufunke
Aladeojebi, former Principal of Ajuwon High School, Iju Ajuwon, Ogun
State, who ordered virginity test on some female students, has

confirmed that she is sane and suffers no serious mental ailment. The
report also blamed nurses attached to the school for not playing the
expected professional role and providing ethical voice of reason
against the perceived 'order' by the principal.

A statement signed by Barrister John Olusegun Odubela, Commissioner
for Education, Science and Technology, said the four-page report
prepared and signed by Dr. Timothy Olaolu Adebowale, a Consultant
Psychiatrist Special Grade 1 with Nuero Psychiatrist Hospital, Aro,
described Mrs. Aladeojebi, who was assessed on January 29, 2013, as a
woman "who was well-orientated in time, place and person, with good
attention and concentration."

The report described her "short and long term memories" as "intact,"
adding: "She also demonstrated an appropriate assertiveness in
declining to pay for the registration fee for her assessment, pointing
out that this ought to be paid by the referring body.

There was no evidence of impairment of reality testing, or gross
personality defect, as she currently expresses realistic views on
issues regarding the whole incident in her school and her referral for
this assessment."

The psychiatrist attributed the former principal's mistake to "lack of
restraint," as "she does not appear to have feelings of personal
insecurity, self-doubts and incompleteness which could have in
addition to her desire for perfection in her work, qualified her for a
label of obsessional personality that may explain a proneness to such
situational reaction."

The report blamed the nurses attached to the school for not playing
the expected professional role and providing ethical voice of reason
against the perceived 'order' by the principal. The psychiatrist
further noted: "I am also of the opinion that redeployment from her
present place of assignment will provide some face-saving relief, and
will give her the opportunity to work through her acknowledged
mistakes during the crisis."

The psychiatrist, Dr. Adebowale, also interviewed the school nurse,
Mrs. Makinde and Mrs. F.A. Lapite, who is head of department of
science, to get further information on the character traits of the
former principal and her role in the virginity test.

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