
Sunday 24 February 2013

Agony of Students at Madonna University

Owner of Modonna University, Father Edeh (right) welcoming a guest to
the school Prof. Julius Okojie, NUC boss

Allegations of sharp practices rock the Akpugo campus of Madonna
University with the students at the receiving end, reports Olaolu

This is, indeed, a pay back time for ObinnaOjukwu, a fresh graduate of
Madonna University, Okija, Enugu State. Sitting comfortably in his
office at the Akpugo Campus of the first private university in
Nigeria, where he studied Engineering and graduated only last year, he
could not but thank his stars for being a lucky young man.

At a time, his mates were still mourning their inability to be called
up for the compulsory one-year National Youth Service Corps (NYSC)
programme due to the non-accreditation of their courses by the
Nigerian University Commission (NUC), Ojukwu is already calling the
shots at his alma mater.

And just about the time his school mates were still ruminating about
what becomes of them next in the labour market due to the
non-recognition of their Engineering degrees obtained from Madonna

University, Ojukwu has no reason to bother himself as he is already
back to what he knows how to do best in his days at the university,
and at a higher level.

But his mates are not envying the young man, who is now the Dean of
Students Affairs at the Akpugo Campus of Madonna University.
Current students, who knew him well during his days as the school's
General Hall representative, are not also surprised at his rising
profile. Known for being a bully and unrepentant  'Man Friday' for the
university's authorities to the detriment of the interests of his
fellow students, whose interest, he was supposed to protect in the
first place, many can only conclude that this, among many other
alleged malpractice, could only happen at Madonna University.

But many are worried that such things could be happening in a
university that prides itself not only as the first private university
as well as the first Catholic university in Nigeria but also one of
the most expensive private universities in the country where standards
and morals are supposed to be high.

Students of the institution are equally worried as they are not sure
of what the future holds for them with the non-accreditation of their

Yet, THISDAY gathered that the authorities of the university appeared
unperturbed as what matters to them most is the money being collected
from the helpless students, whose parents are, unfortunately, being
made to believe that their wards are being given sound education and
morals in a supposedly Christian institution.

But different allegations rocking the school are sure pointers to the
fact that Madonna University may have derailed from its initial
objectives and reduced to nothing more than a concentration camp'
where the students are exploited in so many ways.

The Petition
A petition sent to THISDAY in Lagos about the current developments at
the Akpugo Campus of the university, titled "Madonna University Akpugo
Enugu State Appoints Fresh Graduate as Dean of Students
Affairs,"mexposed many shocking and quite unfathomable developments in
the school. "I'm seizing this as a medium to bring to the notice of
the National University Commission (NUC) and other branches of the
government, which should be notified about the current developments in
Madonna University, Akpugo Campus, Enugu State (Engineering Campus).

"The Administration Council of Madonna University Akpugo Campus led by
the founder/chancellor of the university, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Edeh, on
August 7, 2012 organised a final semester meeting with the students of
the above-mentioned campus. At the meeting, the chancellor of the
university announced to the students the swearing-in of a new Dean of
Students Affairs in person of Obinna Ojukwu, a student with
registration number PTE/08/ 034. The bearer at that time was an
undergraduate student of the university and the General
HallRepresentative of the male students of the university.

"Obinna, who was traced to be a student of the Department of Petroleum
Engineering, was still writing his final semester examinations at that
time. The bearer, Obinna, as I write to you has not been mobilised for
his National Youth Service Corps (NYSC). Neither does he posses any
preliminary qualifications to fit into this position as the Dean of
Students Affairs of a university.

"As I write to you, Obinna Ojukwu, a fresh graduate is currently the
Dean of Student Affairs in Madonna University Akpugo Campus, Enugu
State. Beyond every reasonable doubt, this is an eyesore or should I
say a dent to the struggle by NUC and the Ministry of Education toward
ensuring good standard in the nation's education sector.

"Obinna who is known to have a reputation for assaulting and
brutalising fellow students during his tenure as the General Hall
representative of the university has been put into a position to
continue his cruel acts on students," the petition sent by a close
observer of happenings in the school had stated in part.

Non-accreditation of Courses
The petitioner, who craved anonymity also continued his expose: "On
the other hand, I would also shed light on the other illegal
activities happening within Akpugo campus Enugu State. The Engineering
Faculty has none of its departments accredited; therefore the students
who have completed their years of study and have advanced into the
labour market do not have certificates to show as graduates. Neither
are they mobilised for the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme.

Incompetent Heads of Departments
"The Head of Department (HoD)  of the Examinations and Records
Department in Akpugo Campus who goes by her regular name-'Point and
Kill' -is not a graduate . She was employed into the university as a
labourer (cleaner). As I speak to you, she is the Head of Department
of the Examination and Records unit in Akpugo Campus.

Another disturbing angle is the fact that the lecturers in the campus
who are engineers are not allowed to mark and grade examination
scripts of students they have taught. Instead, they are handed over to
the Reverend Sister in charge of the Examinations and Records unit,
Rev. Sis. Eleonora, who distributes the scripts between her other Rev.
Sisters  and other non-lecturers for marking. This disturbing
development brings the question: Why should a professional course such
as engineering be marked and graded by non-qualified individuals?

"Rev. Sis. Eleonora has been given the go-ahead by the Chancellor of
the university to remark examination scripts, thereby failing a lot of
students. This is a system which Madonna University uses to hide the
actual number of its students from NUC.

"Another method which Madonna University uses to reduce its population
and hide its actual number of students is wrongly accusing students of
offences, thereby placing penalties on them and  expelling students in
their final year and suspending students for no defined reasons."

Suspension of Operating Licence
In July last year, NUC suspended the operational licence of Madonna
University along with that of six other private universities for
violating its guidelines in physical facilities and academic
programmes. The other affected universities were Achievers University,
Owo; Caritas University, Enugu; Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Osun;
Lead City University, Ibadan; Obong University, Obong and Tansian
University, Umunya. NUC , according to its spokesman, Mallam Ibrahim
Yakassai, had based its decision on the  non-compliance with the
regulations guiding the operations of universities in the country as
stipulated by the NUC.

"The operators of the universities affected know their offences
because so many times, we have informed them about their failings but
they did not take necessary steps to address their shortcomings.
Anyway, It's just a suspension and it will be lifted as soon as they
do the correct things," he was quoted as saying.

Nothing Has Changed
And true to his word, the suspension on Madonna University was lifted
not long after but it's simply back to the basics with little or no
changes made. An impeccable source close to the powers-that-be in the
university told THISDAY that there is little or nothing NUC can do
about the situation in Madonna University. "NUC is just a toothless
bulldog; the authorities there are mere stooges and cannot do much.

They are tied down to the apron strings of the powers-that-be. The
owners of Madonna will continue to do whatever they like because they
already have their ears of people in power," this reporter was told.
A student at the Akpugo Campus of the University also confirmed to
THISDAY last week, saying  nothing really has changed in the school.

"The suspension by NUC has been lifted since and we are now in
session. But nothing has really changed. You need to come here and see
things for yourself," the student who craved anonymity told this
reporter in an e-mail correspondence.

Shocking Testimonials
Reacting to the suspension of the operating licence of the University
by NUC last July, a student of the school, who spoke on condition of
anonymity, said: "I'm a Madonna University student and I'm very happy
that NUC took this bold step to suspend the university. I'm studying
Electrical/ Electronics Engineering and in 300 Level. My campus is in
Enugu State, in the deep village of Akpugo.

In Madonna university, a carry-over program was introduced where
students are to pay N150,000, which is higher than our second semester
school fees and almost equal to first semester.

"Illiterates are made Heads of Departments, Dean of Student Affairs,
Secretary, etc. A person who washes toilet in Madonna University is
the Head of Exams and Records. We go to church eight times a week in
Madonna. Eighty students are in a particular department but only
twongraduated from that department and the others were not given
certificates. Madonna, on purpose, fails students and lie to NUC on
the total number of students in a department.

"No department in the Faculty of Engineering is accredited and the
university is allowed to run and collect money from students. If you
use a Blackberry phone in Madonna, you are suspended for two years and
any other phone attracts a year suspension. The Students' Handbook is
written by illiterates. We suffer every single day of our stay in
Madonna University. We stay 12 students in a room but the authorities
always lie to NUC."

State of the Hostel
Jesus The Saviour Hostel is the main hostel for male students at the
Akpugo Campus. The hostel, according to impeccable sources, is in
decrepit condition, despite the fact its development is still ongoing.

"Students in this hostel are forced to use the toilet as bad as it is.
There is also a swamp harbouring several reptiles close to where the
students live. The students are also forced to live with a fully
loaded trash bin because the workers don't get paid so they cannot
empty the bin. Instead we are told to sweep and throw the bin,"
THISDAY was told.

Madonna Officials Keep Mum
THISDAY made more than three trips to the Akpugo Campus of the
university over a period lasting a month in order to get an official
reaction of the authorities to all the allegations. But no one was
willing to volunteer any information as this newspaper was told at the
first visit that only the founder of the school who could react was
away in Rome. Subsequent visits did not yield any results either as
officials of the school kept tight lips all through.

Telephone calls made to the official lines of the school and its key
officials did not go through at all, though THISDAY gathered that no
telephone mast is available on the campus, hence reception is very

No reaction was also forthcoming from the NUC in Abuja thus lending
credence that there might be some elements of truth in the
insinuations being made about the commission's helplessness in the
case at Madonna.

A Sad Commentary
Madonna University was established to, among other  things,  "revive
in its community the age-long tradition of Catholic education and the
exacting demand of the contemporary society for sound education
enrooted in salubrious life-promoting morality." The university has
its main campus in Okija and the second campus at Elele. According to
the information obtained from the school's official website, "Akpugo
is the third campus of Madonna University which houses the Faculty of
Engineering with the following departments : Electrical/Electronics,
Food Science and Technology, Petroleum Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering and Computer
Engineering." Additional reports by Christopher Isiguzo in Enugu.

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