
Monday 18 February 2013

Cardinal advises legislators to discredit same sex marriage

The Archbishop of Abuja Catholic Arch Diocese,Cardinal John Onaiyekan
on Sunday urged the National Assembly to authenticate the definition
of marriage and not to waste energy deliberating on same sex

marriage. Cardinal Onaiyekan made the call in Abuja at the opening
mass of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria (CBCN), titled
'Faith and Dignity for Human life'.

He said that marriage, a concept of union between man and woman, was
being compromised in so many places today, adding that it was brutal
to try to change God's order.

He said: ''I will like to advise our legislators not to waste their
energy legislating on what is meaningless: 'same sex marriage'.

''They should rather simply reconfirm the definition of marriage as a
union of a man and a woman, thereby denying any execution of the
status of marriage to whatever comes outside that definition.''

Onaiyekan in his message urged Nigerians to be courageous to resist
the negative influence of some advanced countries stressing that
abortion is wrong.

''There can be no justification for killing the innocent, especially babies.

''We must have the courage to resist the pressures of some of the
advanced countries seeking to drag us with them into the root of moral
decadence,'' he said.

The Cardinal called on members of the national assembly to stand up
and hold high the respect for human dignity.

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