
Monday 25 March 2013

Wizkid to return to former music label, EME

If everything goes according to plan, Wizkid will soon be returning to
his former music label, EME Music Group, this is according to a
reliable industry source. The source revealed to me exclusively that
Wizkid and EME bosses have been going back and forth for the last
couple of weeks through their lawyers trying to agree on new terms of
them working together again.
"Wizkid leaving EME was just his way of pushing the bosses at the
label to take him seriously and increase his earning percentage. When
he joined EME he wasn't a star but then he became a mega star and was
making a lot of money for the label and they still didn't increase his
earning percentage so he took a walk. Now they are working on a new
contract that will favour Wizkid." The source said
I hear in the new contract being drafted, EME will not take a dime
from Wizkid's international deals. When they start working together

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