
Wednesday 27 March 2013

Sandra Okagbue reacts to reports she's dating Mikel Obi...

This is to inform the general public that the current stories
foretelling a proposed wedding between I, Sandra Okagbue, and Mikel
Obi, is entirely incorrect.  There has never been such a proposal
between either of us let alone an agreement, or even a wedding date as
rumored.  "There is no truth in the reports that Mikel Obi and I are
getting married."

There have been too many false stories about me in the papers, and
several blogs. My name has been linked with several people whom I am
supposedly familiarly linked with. Some of these false reports even
went as far as claiming that my family house was bought by these
imaginary suitors. This is disheartening. I come from a reputable
royal family and, we are a hardworking people. We have achieved all we
have through faith in God and hard work.
I will like to implore the respectable ladies and gentlemen of the
press to please always officially verify whatever information they
would like to publish about me before publishing.
Thank you for your usual support.

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