
Wednesday 13 March 2013

See DPO Jumping Fence To Escape From Armed Robbers

This happened in the police station close to Old Market in Sokoto
State. At the sound of the armed robbers heavy guns, which was like
bombs, the DPO and one of his men quickly escaped through the back of
the station, thinking they were about to be attacked by the dreaded
Boko Haram.

This is how precarious the security situation in Nigeria has become,
yet the Presidency is busy attending to issues that won't add value to
the lives of ordinary Nigerians. How sad!

If senior police officers are being killed by men with more
sophisticated weapons and others are running away like this ones, what
then is the hope of ordinary Nigerians? I guess we are on our own!
Don Slim at 3:41 AM

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